Integrity air 3000 parts
Integrity air 3000 parts

integrity air 3000 parts

integrity air 3000 parts

My bottom line? It's better than having no rower at all.


I suspect I can get another year or 18 months out of the machine, but would rather upgrade sooner. By now, I've replaced one nylon belt that got abraded on a sharp screw, and need to replace the wheels on the sliding seat. The action's smooth, though, and ours has lasted for about 2 years - with 3 of us using it pretty regularly.

integrity air 3000 parts

There's nothing to tell you your stroke rate, or rowing for watts, or even to give you a "split." So you're really only able to reliably row for time. Rowing for time is fine, but we've found that the distance calibration doesn't match up with what we get on C2 rowers, and I dunno if the rowing-for-calories estimate is accurate. It will get you by in the interim, but you will want to upgrade when you can. IMO, comparing an Integrity with a C2 is like comparing 1" barbell weight set with an Olympic weight set. They row on it during the off-season, and on C2s at the rowing club when the team's training together. 2 of my kids are rowers, and it's all I could afford.

Integrity air 3000 parts